Pre-Conference Seminar


*Please note that there is an additional fee to attend the pre-conference sessions

Check-In and Registration

For Pre-Conference attendees ONLY


We will open this pre-conference with a Microgrid market update from GTM Research. Omar Saadeh, Senior Grid Analyst, GTM Research

Policy Adaptation: What key factors and metrics should be used to evaluate utility or community-scale projects? MORE

Stanislav Hes, Specialist for New Technologies, ČEZ Distribuce
Christophe Lebosse, Chief, Project Nice Grid, ERDF
Kyle Haas, Energy Policy Manager, Maryland Energy Administration

Financing Incentives: What economic models are required to stimulate more wide-scale deployment? MORE

Thomas McAndrew, Founding Partner, Managing Director, Enchanted Rock, Ltd.
Urs Gisiger, Sr. Advisor, Project Development, Energizing Co.
James Wyper, Vice President, Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners

Networking Break

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Case Study

This case study will detail a specific microgrid deployment and discuss the various benefits and challenges associated with the highlighted project.

David Chiesa, Senior Director, Global Business Development, S&C Electric Company

Cost Reduction: Can greater project standardization lead to more use cases for microgrid development? MORE

Greg Henry, Director, Analytic Solutions, Black & Veatch
Marc Hoffman, CEO, Innovus Power
Byron Washom, Director of Strategic Energy Initiatives, University of California, San Diego

Networking Reception