This year, technology will drive the industry forward to Smart Grid 2.0. Data analytics software will help utilities put to good use the data now pouring in from over 150 million installed smart meters globally. This year will see consumer getting new options for dynamic pricing, detailed usage information options, and prepayment from upgraded utility IT systems. We saw new consumer products emerge in 2011, and 2012 will be the year that brings wide adoption of these exciting new energy management devices, especially smart thermostats. And, renewables will continue their march across the world, as more businesses and residences begin adding power to the grid along with continued renewable initiatives by utilities. Changes in IT technology will able to better manage and control these resources in 2012.
These are just a few of the Smart Grid predictions that Chris King put forth in his blog, and they've been widely discussed ever since. Readers have questioned: What evidence do you have to back up these predictions? Is this just talk, or does the technology exist? How can I make these things happen in my area / for my utility?
What questions do you have?
Join Chris King and Larsh Johnson as they tackle your questions, put forth some of the proof behind the predictions and talk about how technology is finally ready to support Smart Grid 2.0.