3 Cleantech Debates to Have Over the Thanksgiving Table

When you’re done discussing sex, religion and politics, here are three greentech topics to bring up over the Thanksgiving table.

Thanksgiving at the Greentech Media household is a raucous affair. The guest list is eclectic, the conversations heated, and like most families, we've had problems with guest-on-guest violence. The Jigar Shah-Gordon Brinser Muay Thai episode stands out in my mind.

Like every American family at the Thanksgiving table, we cover the important stuff first: Affordable Care Act death panels, Miley Cyrus and the decay of western civilization, etc. After a few drinks, Uncle Al always brings up the Kenyan socialist usurper's birthplace and Aunt Sarah bemoans the Pope's liberal slide. Anyway, once those arguments are quelled and the bleeding staunched, we're likely to talk a bit of shop.

It's a good bet that these topics are on the Thanksgiving menu:

Argument: The U.S. should continue to subsidize renewables

Argument: The Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline is good business and a good idea

Argument: The utility business model is broken


Greentech Media is thankful for you, our readership and colleagues. Have a fine Thanksgiving holiday.