Utility R&D: EPRI’s Technology Innovation Program

Long-term energy exploration at the electric utility’s research arm

We've spent a lot of time with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Palo Alto, CA and reported on them in the following articles:

EPRI on Nuclear

EPRI on Energy Efficiency

EPRI on Compressed Air Energy Storage 

EPRI on Energy Storage Technology

EPRI on Single Well Geothermal 

EPRI on Hydro Power 

EPRI's Smart Grid Vision

EPRI is funded largely by utilities, primarily to do development in the short term (less than 5 year timeframe), but their Technology Innovation (TI) program works on longer-term opportunities (5 to 20 years).  Haresh Kamath, the Strategic Program Manager for the Technology Innovation Group, spoke last week on his group's activities.

The Technology Innovation Group has three sections:

They currently have 11 strategic programs:

And here's a sampling of their projects: