Greentech in Venture Capital, Installment #504

Those who don’t learn from VC forums are doomed to repeat them.

If you attend enough events covering venture capital investment in greentech, the same, sometimes obvious, themes start to repeat themselves.

This week's Groundhog Day-like VC event was a "Quarterly Venture Breakfast with Pillsbury Winthrop and PricewaterhouseCoopers" in Palo Alto, California.  There were no highlights.

Today's panelists:

If the first question that the moderator asks is from 2004 ("What is cleantech?"), then you know you're in for a low-information event.  Don Wood of DFJ brought some sense to the question by saying, "We haven't spent a lot of time trying to define it."  

Bulletin: We're long past the point of asking what cleantech is.  

Steve Bengston of PricewaterhouseCoopers gave a third-quarter cleantech venture capital update:

As a grizzled veteran of tracking VC data -- I am confident in saying that looking at VC data from quarter to quarter is a fool's game despite the moderator's inquiry on quarterly trends.  It's a lumpy and noisy set of data that yields no meaningful information when parsed at that resolution.

Trends to look out for in 2011: