GTM Research’s 5 Most Popular Grid Reports of 2013

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Yesterday we looked at the most popular solar reports published this year, so today we are featuring the top five most-read grid reports in 2013.

1.) Transformer Monitoring Markets, 2013-2020: Technologies, Forecasts, and Leading Vendors

GTM Research forecasts the annual market for transformer monitoring hardware in the U.S. to grow drastically from $113 million in 2012 to more than $755 million in 2020. Utilities across the U.S. are beginning to turn to transformer technologies to improve distribution reliability and efficiency, as well as customer service and operating costs. In addition, more intelligent transformers will play a key role in enabling other smart grid applications such as power quality monitoring, closed-loop volt/VAR control, improved outage detection, and theft reduction. The report is this year’s most read, as it’s the first of its kind to analyze both the technology and competitive landscape of transformer markets in the U.S. (For more information on the report, see our related webinar Q&As, Part 1 and Part 2.)

2.) Home Energy Management Systems: Vendors, Technologies and Opportunities, 2013-2017

At over 300 pages, this comprehensive new report covers various HEMS topics including DR, analytics, and the backend systems used by utilities to manage residential loads. In addition to case studies and comprehensive coverage of the technologies, markets and economics of HEMS, the report includes in-depth market forecasting, company rankings and an intensive vendor and utility program analysis of more than 100 major market players and their HEMS offerings.

3.) The Networked Grid 150: The End-to-End Smart Grid Vendor Ecosystem Report and Rankings 2013

This is the second annual edition of The Networked Grid 150, which has become the industry's compendium of leading players, vendor rankings, competitive positioning and market forecasts across twelve key smart grid segments. In addition to vendor analysis and rankings, the report offers a strategic outlook on smart grid technology maturity, investment activity, utility adoption and grid concerns, as well as analysis of emerging smart grid markets. Markets segments covered in the report include: advanced metering infrastructure, building-area networks, consulting and integration, demand response, electric vehicle infrastructure, energy storage, field area networks, home area networks, networking and management, soft grid, security, transmission and distribution, and wide area network communications.

4.) Utility AMI Analytics for the Smart Grid, 2013-2020: Applications, Markets and Strategies

Aggregate expenditure on AMI analytics is expected to total $9.7 billion by 2020. As the market develops, opportunities will increase for vendors that are able to offer turnkey analytics solutions without the need for customized integration. This 142-page report provides in-depth market forecasting, the competitive vendor and utility landscapes, and comprehensive coverage of market drivers and AMI maturity, as well as vendor rankings and 26 vendor profiles.

5.) Utility Smart Grid Outlook in North America, 2013: Technologies, Strategies and Case Studies

This 219-page report provides insight into the strategies utilities are employing to improve the efficiency and reliability of energy delivery. In addition to unpacking utility trends and key demographics, the report details current and future plans for deployment and integration of new smart grid technologies with 40 in-depth and extensive profiles of leading North American utilities.



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