Is This the Way to Build Electric Cars?

APowerCap Technologies is looking to bring its ultracapacitors to the automotive market – if it can jump the cost hurdle.

Ultracapacitors have been a star attraction in scientific research for years, but the component might be best suited for a supporting role in the commercial world, says Serhiy Loboyko.

Loboyko's company, APowerCap Technologies, is trying to bring a novel breed of ultracapacitors – which are essentially holding tanks for electrons – to the automotive and electronics market in a way that better fits economic reality. APowerCap won't sell ultracapacitors to power electric cars. Instead, it is prepping a line of ultracapacitors to charge the batteries in electric cars, which will in turn run the car. That's similar to the way General Motors will use a gas generator to charge the batteries on the Chevy Volt, but without the gas.

In a nutshell, the problem with ultracapacitors is cost, he said during a presentation and meeting at the Dow Jones Alternative Energy Innovations conference taking place in beautiful Redwood City, Calif. this week. Employing ultracapacitors to power a car would break the component budget. Other than that massive problem, ultracaps are great. They can be charged in a few seconds and can discharge rapidly as well.

Read the rest of the story at Green Light