Networked Solar: Pieces of a Roadmap

Musings on what needs to happen to bring solar on to the grid the right way.

The first day of Greentech Media’s Networked Solar conference asked more questions than it answered, but that’s not a bad thing. The two-day event, which examines the intersection of smart grid and distributed PV, kicked off with a larger look at the state of smart grid, and how it will help distributed renewable resources onto grid -- and quickly started asking some of the hard questions that will need to be answered for ambitious renewable portfolio standards to become a reality.

“Solar has evolved over the years but our energy policy has not changed," Katherine Hamilton, former President of GridWise Alliance, said during her opening keynote address.

She noted that without a price on carbon, a mix of creativity and vision could bring meaningful change by taking a close look at different departments, from the Department of Energy to the Department of Commerce for example, for ways to exploit initiatives that were already in place.

The first panel of the day looked at what a roadmap for solar and smart grid convergence might look like: