Obama Visits Largest Solar Plant in US and Talks Energy

President praises solar power, supports homegrown fossil fuels, and calls opponents of green energy “the Flat Earth Society.”

Yesterday, we covered President Obama's visit to the largest operational solar photovoltaic plant in the U.S.-- the 55-megawatt (DC) Sempra Copper Mountain solar facility in Boulder City, Nev., about 40 miles southeast of Las Vegas. Construction at the 380-acre desert site began in January of 2010 with about 350 construction workers installing almost 775,000 First Solar solar panels.  

For a novel take on this project, here's Fox News likening this plant to Solyndra -- as they will everything related to solar from now on. Note that Copper Mountain is privately financed and did not receive any DOE loans.

A few weeks ago, we covered the U.S. energy plans of Republican Presidential candidates Santorum, Romney, and Gingrich. It seems fair that we mention Obama's take on our energy situation.

Here are relevant excerpts from his speech at Copper Mountain in Boulder City, Nevada: