Recovery Act FAQ: Where Did That $32 Billion Go?

A wealth of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act energy resources

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is one of the single boldest and largest investments in the U.S. economy in the nation’s history.  The Recovery Act’s objective was three-fold:  to rescue a rapidly deteriorating economy; to put the country on a path to recovery by putting Americans back to work quickly; and to reinvest in the country’s long-term economic future, building a foundation for a new, more robust, and more competitive American economy.

We’re now on track to hit our target to double renewable energy generation by 2012, something that would not have been possible without Recovery Act investments.

Here are some resources associated with the Recovery Act funds to clean energy technologies.  Virtually all the DOE funds are obligated at this point.


Thanks to Holmes Hummel.