VC Investing in Greentech, Installment #139

“We may be in a valley now, but the inevitability [of cleantech] has not gone away.”

In cleantech venture capital, there's a new cleantech IT or cleantech 2.0 theme, inspired by VCs that have watched their green investments crater and their LPs sour on the cleantech segment. Generalist VCs are running from cleantech, and cleantech-dedicated firms are re-branding themselves as cleantech IT.

Today at the Going Green event put on by AlwaysOn in San Francisco, Ca., a number of VCs weighed in with their greentech VC worldview.

Nat Goldhaber of Claremont Creek Ventures


Anup Jacob of Virgin Green Fund


Stephan Dolezalek of VantagePoint Capital Partners


Tucker Twitmyer of EnerTech Capital