Manufacturing 1
US Electric Component Manufacturing on the Rise

US Electric Component Manufacturing on the Rise

Manufacturing of clean energy equipment – and electric components generally – is gaining traction in the U.S.

by GTM Creative Strategies
Grid Edge 26
Duke Energy's plan to build natural gas plants is being challenged by groups accusing the utility of misrepresenting data to undermine cleaner alternatives.

Duke Energy Faces Challenges to Its Push for New Natural Gas Plants

Critics cite flaws in the utility’s analysis of winter peaks and offer up solar, battery and efficiency alternatives.

by Jeff St. John
Energy Storage 2
This FlexGen storage system in Indiana provides blackstart capabilities for a utility. (Image credit: FlexGen)

Storage Integrator FlexGen Gains New Leadership at Crucial Time

The hardware and software specialist cracked the tricky Texas market and aims to expand.

by Julian Spector
Grid Edge 16
East Bay Community Energy is tapping OhmConnect's residential virtual power plant as a hedge against energy costs during the state's summer peaks.

Energy Hedging: A New Way to Make Demand Response Pay in California?

OhmConnect and East Bay Community Energy take a novel approach to capturing value from home energy flexibility.

by Jeff St. John
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Grid Edge 2
From Brooklyn to the South Pacific, One Platform Finds Distributed Energy Opportunity Everywhere

From Brooklyn to the South Pacific, One Platform Finds Distributed Energy Opportunity Everywhere

One platform is creating gigawatt-scale opportunities for DER growth and investment.

by GTM Creative Strategies
Grid Edge 4
Huge solar and wind growth is on the way. The grid operator is hoping not to hinder progress toward the 2060 net-zero target.

New Plans Reveal How China’s Grid Is Prepping for Net-Zero Carbon

Terawatts of renewables and the world’s largest EV charging network will play a role as China eyes peak carbon emissions by 2030.

by John Parnell
Jigar Shah’s Final Episode of The Energy Gang

Jigar Shah’s Final Episode of The Energy Gang

This week on The Energy Gang, we bid Jigar farewell after more than seven years on the podcast.

by Stephen Lacey
Energy 12
Texas is facing a cascading financial fallout from a week of sky-high electricity and natural-gas prices amid blackouts.

Texas Crisis Drives First Nonprofit Utility Bankruptcy, With More Fallout Expected

A co-op seeks shelter from $2 billion in electricity costs, the state sues a shut-down Griddy, and a San Antonio utility may pull back on its clean energy goals.

by Jeff St. John
Grid Edge 17
Siemens Energy's Silyzer electrolyzer is part of a green hydrogen technology line the company is hoping will gain market share in the nascent U.S. market. (Credit: Siemens)

How Siemens Energy Is Targeting the US Green Hydrogen Opportunity

The latest test at the Utah mega-project marks the third U.S. entry into electrolysis, storage and the use of carbon-free fuel.

by Jeff St. John
Energy 21
Calculating the value of renewable resources may require doing away with the concept of energy return on investment, experts say.

Examining the Limits of ‘Energy Return on Investment’

Experts say a key energy metric doesn’t work for renewables.

by Jason Deign
Grid Edge 65
As Texas lawmakers seek source of blame for last week's energy crisis, experts point to interconnected failures in natural gas, power grid and market constructs.

Texas Blackout Hearings Highlight Intertwined Risks of Natural Gas, Power Grid and Deregulated Market

Winter storms have revealed the threat of cascading system breakdowns, while the financial fallout looms ahead.

by Jeff St. John
Energy 11
Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm officially joins the Biden cabinet.

Senate Confirms Granholm to Head US Energy Department

The Biden administration can now get started on delivering the clean energy jobs it promised.

by Emma Foehringer Merchant
Grid Edge 5
Highland Electric Transportation's all-inclusive service model for electric school buses has landed a big VC investment and a major U.S. contract.

Highland Electric Raises $235M, Lands Biggest Electric School Bus Contract in the US

Maryland county taps startup’s all-inclusive EV fleet leasing model to break upfront cost barriers to electrification.

by Jeff St. John
Energy 5
A clean energy standard is one among a few impactful policies that would help the U.S. reach climate goals, per new analysis.

Report Finds That a Clean Energy Standard Is the ‘Linchpin’ of US Achieving Climate Goals

Energy Innovations’ modeling of pathways to net-zero emissions by 2050 in the U.S. highlights the central role of a clean-powered grid.

by Emma Foehringer Merchant
Grid Edge 11
Dynamic line rating, advanced power flow control and

Report: ‘Grid-Enhancing Technologies’ Could Save $5B per Year by Boosting US Renewables Capacity

Grid groups and federal lawmakers cite the report’s findings to ask federal regulators to push incentives for transmission tech.

by Jeff St. John
Energy 3
Exelon is pulling the trigger on plans to separate its financially struggling, nuclear-heavy generation fleet from its regulated utilities.

Exelon to Split Generation Business From Its Regulated Utilities

The long-expected plan to spin out the utility’s challenged nuclear power plant fleet comes as Illinois lawmakers debate the state’s clean energy plans.

by Jeff St. John
Grid Edge 0
After raising money from Bill Gates, Khosla Ventures and 3M, Varentec has been acquired by a grid sensor subsidiary of Koch Industries' engineering services arm. (Credit: Varentec)

Grid Edge M&A Alert: Sentient Acquires Varentec for Dynamic Grid Control

The line sensor and software provider bought by Koch Engineered Solutions last year picks up a stalwart in distribution power electronics.

by Jeff St. John
Grid Edge 40
A new report proposes a radical, income-based alternative billing structure to boost California's clean energy goals.

Should California Link Electricity Bills to Customer Incomes?

A new report takes aim at regressive volumetric rates and proposes a new way to share the costs of the state’s clean electrification goals.

by Jeff St. John
Rooftop solar is the largest source of renewable power in Hawaiian Electric's territory, accounting for nearly half of its renewable production.

Hawaii Is Ahead of Schedule for Renewable Power Adoption

The state demanded 30 percent renewable energy by 2020. The electric utilities blew past that.

by Julian Spector
Energy 3
A new group wants to see the Biden administration commit to stronger emissions reductions under the Paris Agreement.

States, Cities and Corporations Come Together To Push Biden To Strengthen Climate Targets Under Paris Agreement

Several groups want the U.S. to commit to cutting economywide greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2030.

by Emma Foehringer Merchant
Energy 3
Up to 30 percent of Ireland's power comes from interconnections with Great Britain. (Credit: SSE)

Ireland’s Energy Market Is Unexpected Brexit Victim

Supply swings have hit the Emerald Isle since the U.K. left the European Union.

by Jason Deign
Efficiency 15
Dandelion Energy wants to cut the costs and expand the market for residential geothermal heat pumps to replace oil and natural gas. (Credit: Dandelion Energy)

Dandelion Raises $30M to Scale Up Home Geothermal Energy

Breakthrough Energy Ventures leads round for the Google spinout’s software-enabled ground-source heat pump technology.

by Jeff St. John
Energy 11
The U.S. added records amount of wind and solar in 2020.

Wind and Solar Defied the 2020 Economic Contraction in the US

New tracking from Bloomberg New Energy Finance shows a record 2020 for wind and solar, despite the devastating impacts of the coronavirus.

by Emma Foehringer Merchant
Grid Edge 1
Understanding the Texas Grid Failure

Understanding the Texas Grid Failure

This week on The Energy Gang: we dissect what went wrong in Texas.

by Stephen Lacey
Energy Storage 41
Not all lithium-ion batteries are created equal. Proponents of the less-fire-prone LFP variety think the technology's time has come.

Will Safer Batteries Finally Take Over the Home Storage Market?

Tesla and LG Chem rule the market with their NMC battery products, but the LFP battery contenders believe their technology’s time has come.

by Julian Spector