Green Building 3
EnerNoc Lands Morgan Stanley as Customer in Green Building Push

EnerNoc Lands Morgan Stanley as Customer in Green Building Push

A big win in EnerNoc’s push to move beyond demand response.

by Michael Kanellos
Networking/AMI 2
Moving Smart Grid Beyond AMI: Now We’re Talking
Research Spotlight

Moving Smart Grid Beyond AMI: Now We’re Talking

GTM Research surveys North American utility smart grid executives to uncover their primary motivation for building out The Networked Grid.

by GTM Research Grid Edge Analyst
Finance & VC 0
Green VC Total: Second Best Year Ever

Green VC Total: Second Best Year Ever

VC plunked $4.85 billion into 356 green deals.

by Michael Kanellos
Grid Edge 2
The Past and Future of Smart Grid

The Past and Future of Smart Grid

It’s everyone’s favorite market. If only those people in Bakersfield would cooperate.

by Michael Kanellos, Jeff St. John
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Smart Grid 1
The Top Ten in Smart Grid in 2009

The Top Ten in Smart Grid in 2009

2009 was the year of smart grid. Will 2010 see a bubble deflate, or a new industry rise?

by Jeff St. John
Smart Grid 0
U.S. Smart Grid’s Pitch to Congress in Copenhagen

U.S. Smart Grid’s Pitch to Congress in Copenhagen

Smart grid industry leaders tell Nancy Pelosi and House members in Copenhagen that they want legislative support to help their industry mitigate climate change and boost job growth.

by Jeff St. John
Finance & VC 5
Lightspeed’s 2010 Cleantech Predictions
Industry Perspective

Lightspeed’s 2010 Cleantech Predictions

Lightspeed has invested across several cleantech areas, including solar, biofuels, clean coal, LED lighting and energy storage. Here are some of its predictions for 2010:

by Peter Nieh
Smart Homes/Smart Buildings 6
OPower Separates Heat, Light in Home Energy

OPower Separates Heat, Light in Home Energy

The startup says its patent-pending analytic software can nose out how much power and natural gas utility customers are using for heating and cooling relative to their other needs – all without smart meters.

by Jeff St. John
Smart Grid 3
Smart Grid Roundup: Appliances, Streetlights and Solar Cities

Smart Grid Roundup: Appliances, Streetlights and Solar Cities

GE sets plans for smart washers and dryers, Boeing joins Danish firm Amplex in smart streetlights, and IBM helps with an Australian ‘solar city.’

by Jeff St. John
Smart Grid 2
Silver Spring Raises $100M for Smart Grid War

Silver Spring Raises $100M for Smart Grid War

With $275 million raised to date, Silver Spring is setting out to create networks and buy startups. Expect carping from Grid Net

by Michael Kanellos
Energy Storage 3
Neighborhood Batteries Coming to Ohio, Detroit

Neighborhood Batteries Coming to Ohio, Detroit

The DOE has funded two projects to install small batteries to back up neighborhood electricity grids, putting the idea of ‘community energy storage’ to the test.

by Jeff St. John
Demand Response 0
EnerNoc Buys Its Way Into Building Management: Expect More Mergers

EnerNoc Buys Its Way Into Building Management: Expect More Mergers

Cogent Energy will let the demand response leader expand its services. It’s all part of a long-range plan

by Michael Kanellos
Networking/AMI 2
UMI: A Modular Way Around Smart Meter Standards Confusion?

UMI: A Modular Way Around Smart Meter Standards Confusion?

Cambridge Consultants wants smart meter makers to use its modular communications card to avoid getting caught using the wrong standard.

by Jeff St. John
Solar Projects 7
The Top Ten Emerging Trends of 2009

The Top Ten Emerging Trends of 2009

A lot of little trends perked up in 2009 and they will likely have an impact on what happens in 2010, even when the DOE grants run out.

by Michael Kanellos
Mobility 4
Electric Cars on DOE’s Mind

Electric Cars on DOE’s Mind

The U.S. government is looking to give out a second $100 million funding round to developers of fuels and batteries for electric cars.

by Ucilia Wang
Smart Homes/Smart Buildings 5
Water Heaters for Wind Energy Storage?

Water Heaters for Wind Energy Storage?

A new study indicates that electric household water heaters could shave 5.3 gigawatts off the nation’s peak power demand – and help store extra wind power to boot.

by Jeff St. John
Mobility 0
Cellular Know-How Enlisted for Electric Cars

Cellular Know-How Enlisted for Electric Cars

Better Place turns to cell phone engineers to optimize car charging networks. Will it help pave electric avenue?

by Michael Kanellos
Smart Grid 0
A PC for the Smart Grid

A PC for the Smart Grid

SmartSynch says its new router can adapt to network protocols and standards. Will this put utilities at ease?

by Michael Kanellos
Smart Grid 1
Lockheed Expands Its Smart Grid Wings

Lockheed Expands Its Smart Grid Wings

With lots of expertise in security and defense contracts dwindling, Lockheed and other contractors look toward the smart grid.

by Michael Kanellos
Software & Analytics 2
Viridity Energy: Microgrids as Market Players

Viridity Energy: Microgrids as Market Players

Viridity has software for making microgrids, or virtual power plants, play in power markets.

by Jeff St. John
Smart Grid 0
Time-of-Use Test Next Year in Burbank

Time-of-Use Test Next Year in Burbank

Will Burbank be the new Bakersfield with time-of-use pricing next year? Either way, Trilliant gets to install some of the meters to make it happen.

by Michael Kanellos
Energy Storage 2
Batteries Edge Out Compressed Air in Latest DOE Grants

Batteries Edge Out Compressed Air in Latest DOE Grants

The DOE gave out 11 grants to battery projects in the latest round of funding and three to compressed air. It’s a nice variety.

by Michael Kanellos
Smart Grid 0
DOE Doles Out $620M for Smart Grid

DOE Doles Out $620M for Smart Grid

The government is giving money to 32 projects for demonstrating a host of equipment and software to manage energy supply and demand.

by Ucilia Wang
Smart Grid 0
Smart Grid Interoperability Panel: Who to Call

Smart Grid Interoperability Panel: Who to Call

The federal smart grid standards-setting effort has a new advisory board. Google’s Vint Cerf shares honors with industry giants in leading the group.

by Jeff St. John
Grid Edge 7
Duke Energy Wants to Own Every Piece of the Smart Grid

Duke Energy Wants to Own Every Piece of the Smart Grid

Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers sees the utility owning and controlling solar panels and energy management systems in customers’ homes.

by Jeff St. John