Continental Breakfast & Check-In

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Wood Mackenzie / GTM Research: What does the Future hold for Peaker Plants?

Ravi Manghani, Head of Solar, Wood Mackenzie

Fireside Chat with GE Energy Storage

As GE Power taps into a rapidly evolving energy landscape they have chosen industry veteran Robert Morgan to head their Energy Storage Unit, shepherding its new Reservoir platform to scale globally. As Robert takes the reins at GE's Energy Storage team we will sit down to get his perspective on storage vs. gas and how this future could unfold.

Rob Morgan, CEO, Energy Storage, GE Renewable Energy

Moderator: Daniel Finn-Foley, Head of Energy Storage, Wood Mackenzie

Networking Break
Fireside Chat with Strategen Consulting

We'll discuss Strategen's recent report finding energy storage as the clean, reliable path forward for New York City's grid.

Lon Huber, Vice President, Strategen Consulting

Moderator: MJ Shiao, Director of Community Solar, Arcadia Power

Networking Reception