by Nicolas Rinaldi
December 02, 2016

Below are the key takeaways from the week in solar, grid edge, storage and other energy news.

Solar News

$1.06 per Watt-DC
The current cost for a utility-scale fixed-tilt PV system in the U.S., according to GTM Research. System costs are declining precipitously across all market segments. (story)

1,500 Megawatts
The solar and wind project capacity from SunEdison's portfolio that was acquired by NRG last week. (story)

95% Market Share
The module-level power electronics market share enjoyed by Enphase and SolarEdge. Julian Spector outlines how such a strong market share belies the daunting challenges the two companies face in today's market. (story)

182 Gigawatts
The global addressable market for megawatt-scale PV operations and maintenance and asset management by the end 2016, according to GTM Research. (story)

1.8 Gigawatts
The solar capacity that Latin American markets will install in 2016. (story)

40,000 Panels per Day
The number of PV panels that were being installed each day at the world's largest solar plant in India during the peak of construction activity. The project in Tamil Nadu had an official unveiling this week. (story)

Grid Edge News

10 Microgrids
American Electric Power is asking regulators for $52 million to build eight to 10 microgrids in Columbus, Ohio. (story)

1.5% to 1.7% Reduction
The reduction in over-generation risk that EVs could give the grid by 2020, according to GTM Research. Julia Pyper looks at how EVs are becoming a tool for grid stability in states like California and Hawaii. (story)

3 Vendors
GTM Research is pulling back the curtain on its new Data Hub service to present an analyst perspective on vendors that are helping utilities make the grid more customer-centric. (story)

2 Kilowatts per Home
The average energy savings per home in Tendril's Orchestrated Energy pilot. The company is readying to launch its commercial product, which will mix a customer engagement tool with a demand response offering to help utilities get closer to their customers. (story)

2,162 Days
The number of days Commissioner Mike Florio will have spent at the helm of the California Public Utilities Commission after his current term ends next month. This week, Julia Pyper looks at Florio's legacy of fostering cleantech innovation in California’s electricity market. (story)

Energy Storage News

$1.2 per Kilowatt-Hour
The cost of raw materials for zinc-air batteries. That is approximately 17 times cheaper than the raw materials for lithium-ion batteries. This week, Julian Spector looks at how zinc-air technology is taking on the long-duration storage market. (story)

12 Storage Startups
This week, Jason Deign profiles the next generation of storage companies gaining attention in Europe. (story)

2,500 Years Ago
Is there evidence that the first electrochemical battery was used in Mesopotamia 2,500 years ago? Eric Wesoff looks at the evidence for this claim and gives us a brief history of battery technology, along with an outlook on where the industry is headed. (story)

Other Energy News

A code used to describe one's enthusiasm for smoking marijuana. Marijuana legalization and the resulting opportunity for the energy industry are at the center of the Energy Gang puffcast podcast this week. (story)

$1.1 Billion
The budget over the next five years for Siemens' new business unit, next47, which will focus on disruptive business models and technologies. Next47 recently announced a partnership to use blockchain for peer-to-peer energy sales. (story)

$44 Trillion
The estimated investment in global energy supply that will be required to meet demand by 2040, according to the IEA. (story)

$1.65 Billion in Interest
The amount in interest payments that the U.S. DOE loan program has earned to date. Julia Pyper asks why the incoming president and a Republican Congress seem so opposed to the program. (story)

15,000 Megawatts
The amount of wind energy supplied throughout ERCOT this past Sunday, a new record for the state. (story)

75% of Trump Voters
The percentage of Trump voters who support "action to accelerate the deployment and use of clean energy." (story)