How do we calculate the true cost of intermittent renewables?
The levelized cost of wind and solar are falling by the day. But how cheap are they, really? A recent study from the Brookings Institution concludes that their costs are higher than presumed when using a cost-benefit calculation model.
In this podcast, we'll debate the merits of the Brookings study and ask what assumptions one should make when evaluating the costs of different technologies.
Later in the show, we’ll talk about the debate over the Export-Import Bank in Washington, D.C., and assess the impact of new tariffs imposed on Chinese solar products coming into the U.S.
(Don't forget to sign up for our live show in New York City on September 22!)
This podcast is sponsored by eGauge Systems, a manufacturer of next-generation energy meters for solar generation and building demand, submetering, performance contracts, LEED projects and net-zero buildings.
The Energy Gang is produced by The show features weekly discussion between energy futurist Jigar Shah, energy policy expert Katherine Hamilton and Greentech Media Editor Stephen Lacey.