Over the last few years, analysts and academics worried about peak oil have been on the defensive.
The fracking revolution has brought an abundance of oil and gas that no one thought possible a decade ago. So we can declare peak oil dead, right?
Chris Nelder, an energy analyst who’s written extensively on the subject, has a simple answer: no.
In this week’s show, we’ll talk with Nelder about predicting the messy oil market and get his thoughts on the long-term viability of unconventional fossil fuels.
Later in the show, we’ll talk about Bank of America’s decision to phase out its coal investments. And then we’ll finish with a discussion of Hawaii’s plan to get 100 percent of its electricity from renewables.
This podcast is sponsored by ReneSola, a Tier 1 solar cell and module manufacturer with a decade of experience in the cleantech industry.
The Energy Gang is produced by Greentechmedia.com. The show features weekly discussions between energy futurist Jigar Shah, energy policy expert Katherine Hamilton and Greentech Media Editor Stephen Lacey.