Greentech Media (GTM) Research has partnered with the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) to collect and publish quarterly data and analysis on the U.S. solar market. As part of this process, GTM Research is conducting our second quarterly Installer/Integrator Survey. The executive summary with results from the most recent U.S. Solar Market Insight report is available to download here.

If you or your organization were involved in any PV, solar heating/cooling, or solar pool heating installations during the second quarter (April - June) of 2011, please help us by filling out the survey. All survey responses will be held confidential and reported only in aggregate. We will ensure that no data items can be traced back to individual respondents.

This brief survey should take less than five minutes of your time and will be vital in helping GTM Research and SEIA to better understand trends in the U.S. solar market.

Please go to, fill out the survey, and you will automatically be eligible to win an Amazon Kindle.* One lucky installer from Texas recently received a Kindle for his participation in the Q1 survey.

For additional information on the survey or the SEIA/GTM Research partnership, please contact [email protected].


*Only complete responses (number of projects, capacity and price for PV, SHC, SPH, or any combination thereof) will be entered to win the Kindle.