Next week, Greentech Media will bring together a unique group of industry leaders and market experts to discuss how customer behaviors are disrupting the current electric utility business model and how these disruptors are going to play out in the market over time.
Shayle Kann, Senior VP of Research, will facilitate the meeting of the Grid Edge Executive Council, as participants work to determine what the most disruptive forces in the electricity market will be in the next decade and which of these forces are most likely to emerge first and at what magnitude. GTM Research's market research will serve to support these conversations.
“We are on the verge of a sea change in the electricity market -- a necessary transition to a next-generation, distributed intelligent energy system,” said Rick Thompson, president and co-founder of Greentech Media.
Representatives from more than 50 companies will gather in San Diego on June 23, the day before Grid Edge Live, Greentech Media's first event covering grid modernization at the edge of the grid. Attending organizations include Exelon, OGE, EDF, SDG&E, ERCOT, SMUD, S&C Electric and Ventyx, which will be joined by a variety of other participants.
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The Grid Edge Executive Council meets in person four times per year, covering grid modernization and distributed energy's biggest challenges and opportunities. Click here to learn more about the Grid Edge Executive Council.
To learn more about market disruptors and the grid edge, download the free report The Grid Edge: Grid Modernization in the Age of Distributed Generation.