Wood Mackenzie Research Spotlight: The State of US Renewable C&I Procurement

Setting the scene for the session, this exclusive WoodMac research presentation will provide context for the industry-led discussions that will follow, examining cumulative C&I capacity and expected growth of the market in the United States, PPA contract sizes and number of agreements signed, top C&I offtakers and developers and other key market considerations.

Colin Smith, Senior Analyst, Solar, Wood Mackenzie
Ravi Manghani, Head of Solar, Wood Mackenzie

Panel: How Big Will US Corporate Renewables Be by 2030?

In a conversation with some of the nation’s biggest corporate buyers of renewable energy, Wood Mackenzie and CohnReznick Capital will assess the key factors shaping the future of renewable corporate offtakes: from the economic benefits of corporate PPAs to corporate decarbonization pledges, emerging business models and technologies or the impact of potential state and federal policy developments.

The discussion will also cover what is the addressable market for corporate renewables in the United States, from the current wave of corporate off-takes (dominated by big tech firms and mega-retail firms) to additional company tiers and industry sectors that will make up future corporate procurement.

Angie Slaughter, Vice President of Sustainability, Logistics, SVC and Capabilities Procurement, Anheuser-Busch
Chris Taylor, Data Center Energy Strategy, Google
Gary Durden, Managing Director, CohnReznick Capital

Moderator: Emma Foehringer Merchant, Writer, Greentech Media

Fireside Chat: Defining the Key Financial Risks for Corporate Renewable Offtakes

CohnReznick will discuss the biggest risk factors impacting corporate renewable project finance, examining ways of minimizing and hedging risk and how PPAs are tailored to the needs of corporate offtakers.

This session will also evaluate how 2020 market turbulence has affected corporate renewable deals and what can be expected in the near future.

Erik Haug, Vice President Business Development, Apex Clean Energy
Anton Cohen, Partner - Renewable Energy Industry Leader, CohnReznick

Moderator: Ravi Manghani, Head of Solar, Wood Mackenzie