Check-in and Continental Breakfast
Executive Utility Keynote

Hear about how one of America's leading IOUs, PG&E, expects data and analytics to shape the evolution of their grid.

Kevin Dasso, Senior Director of Technology & Information Strategy, Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Product Design Trends: The Evolution of UI and UX for Effective Soft Grid Tools MORE

David Merkoski, Partner | Design, Greenstart

Networking Break
Data, Analytics and the Future of Consumer Engagement MORE

Paul Dick, Vice President, Utility Solutions and Strategy, Tendril
David Elve, Executive Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer, PayGo
Seth Frader-Thompson, Co-Founder & President, EnergyHub
Krishan Gupta, Director, Product Management, eMeter (a Siemens Business)
Ogi Kavazovic, Vice President of Strategy & Marketing, Opower

Lunch Break
Power In Numbers: Distribution Grid Optimization via Software Control and Analytics MORE

Erich W. Gunther, Chairman & Chief Technology Officer, EnerNex
Greg Jones, Chief Technology Officer, MachineShop
Soorya Kuloor, Chief Technology Officer, ADMS Solutions, Landis+Gyr
Will Odell, Smart Grid Program Manager, Snohomish County PUD
Dan Ripchensky, Director, Sales, Ericsson

Integrating, Optimizing and Managing Data for Distributed Energy Resource Management MORE

Dr. Deepak Divan, President & Co-Founder, Varentec
David Kaplan, CEO and Founder, 1Energy Systems
Ryan Wartena, Co-Founder & President, Director of Product, Geli

Networking Break
Enabling the Utility of the Future through Technology, People and Information MORE

Jack E. Azagury, Global Managing Director, Accenture Smart Grid Services
Elisabeth S. Brinton, , Industry Thought Leader
Ed Davalos, Lead, Product Management - Utility/Smart Grid, AT&T
Steve Ehrlich, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Space-Time Insight
Dave Hamilton, Director for Clean Energy, Sierra Club, Beyond Coal Campaign