U.S. Energy Storage Market Opportunities

This year the U.S. Solar Market Insight conference will include a pre-conference seminar on the market for storage solutions. We'll survey the landscape today and predict where these two technologies will grow fastest over the coming years.

*Please note that there is an additional fee to attend the pre-conference sessions.

Check In and Registration

For Pre-Conference attendees ONLY

GTM Research Analyst Presentation - Where is the U.S. Storage Market Headed? MORE

Ravi Manghani, Head of Solar, Wood Mackenzie

Uncovering and Eliminating the Bottlenecks in Storage Financing MORE

John R. Bryan, VP of Product and Marketing, , CODA Energy
Tim Derrick, General Manager, Advanced Solutions, SunEdison
Karen Butterfield, Chief Commercial Officer, Stem

Finding the Best Fit - Status and Prospects for Energy Storage Technologies MORE

Leesa Lee, SVP, Product Management & Marketing, Greensmith Energy Management Systems, Inc.
Matthew Maroon, Senior Director, Product Management, Aquion Energy
Dr. Ali Nourai, Energy Storage Segment Director, DNV GL Energy

Networking Break
Storage Behind the Meter - Opportunities for Solar and Storage Project Development MORE

Suleman Khan, Structured Finance, Stationary Energy Storage, Tesla Motors
Matt Roberts, Executive Director, Energy Storage Association
Ivo Steklac, Vice President & General Manager R&C Energy Solutions, SunPower Corp.
Andrew Tanner, VP Business Development, Geli

The Evolving Business Case for Utility-Scale Storage MORE

Shane Bediz, Director of Business Development, Bosch Energy Storage
Tom Leyden, Senior Director, Distributed Electricity & Storage, EDF Renewables
Jamie Ormond, Lead Analyst, Interconnection, California Public Utilities Commission

Pre-Conference Reception

*open to Pre-Conference attendees only