Continental Breakfast & Check-In

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Welcome & Opening Remarks

Scott Clavenna, Chairman, Greentech Media

GTM Research Presentation: Blockchain 101 & the State of the Market MORE

Colleen Metelitsa, Evaluation Manager, Energy Efficiency and Demand Management, Con Edison

The Blockchain: Exploring Distributed Ledger Technologies

Each blockchain technology has trade-offs in terms of data security (i.e. consensus protocols, permissions), transaction speed, and user operability. Hear experts discuss the pros and cons of various blockchains when integrated for energy specifically.

Alex Anich, Manager, Renewable Market Intelligence, NRG, Energy Inc.
Jesse Morris, Chief Commercial Officer, Energy Web Foundation (EWF)

Moderator: Scott Clavenna, Chairman, Greentech Media

Networking Break

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The Start Up: Re-envisioning the Future

Energy startups will discuss why blockchain is important to their company offering, how they chose whether to go with a public or permissioned network, and envision where they see blockchain moving in 2018.

Thomas Folker, Co-Founder & CEO, Leap
Jo-Jo Hubbard, Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer, Electron
Killian Tobin, CEO, Omega Grid

Moderator: Stephen Lacey, Editor-in-Chief, Greentech Media

The Prosumer: Enabling a Transactive Grid

Whether trading energy with one's neighbors, settling demand response payments for the utility, or enabling EV charging across strangers, blockchain enables consumers and producers to transact in ways they couldn’t before. Start-ups, utilities, ESCOs and regulators discuss the changing dynamics with the entrance of blockchain.

Gustavo Collantes, Ph.D, Chief Strategy Officer, NAD Grid
Lawrence Orsini, Founder & Principal, LO3 Energy
Adam Richard, CEO, Volt Markets

Moderator: Colleen Metelitsa, Evaluation Manager, Energy Efficiency and Demand Management, Con Edison

The Utility: Optimizing Operations & Identifying New Opportunities

As blockchain is an emerging technology, this panel seeks to identify how utilities are working to identify it’s potential applications and promise. The utilities will discuss how they work to incorporate external innovation and bring new ideas and potential business models into their businesses.

Rachel Flynn-Kasuba, Senior Program Manager - New Energy Solutions, National Grid
Drury MacKenzie, ESC Customer & Market Innovation Lead, AVANGRID
Doug McMahon, Vice President of Corporate Strategy, New York Power Authority

Moderator: David Groarke, Managing Director, Indigo Advisory Group

Networking Break
Utility Case Study

A utility will provide perspective on navigating planning an initial blockchain pilot

Vikram Singh, Director, Advanced Planning, Alectra Utilities

Moderator: Colleen Metelitsa, Evaluation Manager, Energy Efficiency and Demand Management, Con Edison

The Investor: Unlocking the Potential of Blockchain

Investors share how they cut through the blockchain hype to find good investments, where they see the trends going, and what they are most excited for in the next 1-3 years

Cassie Bowe, Associate Vice President, Energy Impact Partners
Michael Horwitz, Partner, Greentech Capital Advisors
Ernst Sack, Partner, Blue Bear Capital

Moderator: Scott Clavenna, Chairman, Greentech Media

Networking Reception

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