With Latin America's emergence as the hottest region for solar development in recent years, Mexico has taken the lead with a dynamic energy transition that sets the stage for unprecedented solar growth. An abundance of solar resources, high power prices, falling technology costs, and an increasing need for resource diversification combine to place Mexico among the global leaders for PV development.


This two-day event will leverage GTM Research's regional expertise in Mexico to ensure your company is uniquely positioned to capture specific opportunities while appropriately managing regulatory, political, and market risks.


Jessica Rodríguez Aguilar
Director of Renewable Energy, SENER

La Mtra. Jessica Rodríguez es Ing. Ambiental de formación académica y cuenta con una Maestría en Desarrollo Sustentable por el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de monterrey. Es experta en Cambio Climático y desarrollo e implementación de proyectos de Energías Renovables.

Cuenta con más de 10 años de experiencia tanto en el sector gubernamental como en el sector privado. Laboró por 5 años en la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales como Asesora de la Subsecretaría de Fomento y Normatividad Ambiental, coordinado la Iniciativa Internacional de Mercados de Carbono y el Programa de Reporte y Monitoreo de Gases de Efecto Invernadero.

Así mismo fue consultora de la SEMARNAT en el desarrollo de los lineamientos para la verificación de verificadores del Reporte Nacional de Emisiones (RENE).

Actualmente es Directora de Energías Renovables en la Secretaría de Energía, en la cual se han desarrollado herramientas como el Inventario Nacional de enrgías Renovables, El Atlas de Zonas con Alto Potencial de Energías Limpias y la Plataforma de Trámites ENRELmx.

Joana Pascual
Lead Investment Officer, IDB Invest

Joana Pascual joined the IDB Invest Infrastructure & Energy team in 2012.She is a lead investment officer focusing on both energy and transport deals with expertise on project finance structures for wind, solar, hydro, port and toll road projects. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Management from the London School of Economics and a Dual Master in Economic and Financial Development from Columbia University in the City of New York and SciencesPo Paris. Prior to joining the IDB Group, Joana worked as a financial associate for the International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group, with projects in Latin America and French and Portuguese speaking Africa. She speaks English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese and is recently moved to the BID Invest Mexico City office.

Ramón Antonio Massieu
Chief of Staff, CRE

Ramón Antonio Massieu es un abogado especializado en temas de regulación y competencia de mercados energéticos. Es Licenciado en Derecho por el Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). Asimismo, estudió una maestría en Regulación y Competencia de Mercados por la Barcelona Graduate School of Economics y una Especialidad en Amparo en la Universidad Panamericana. Cuenta con varios años de experiencia profesional en el sector energético, habiendo laborado en la Dirección General de Exploración y Explotación de Hidrocarburos de la Secretaría de Energía, en la Dirección General de Asuntos Jurídicos de la Comisión Reguladora de Energía y en el área de energía de la firma de abogados Santamarina y Steta. Actualmente se desempeña como Jefe de oficina del Comisionado Guillermo Zúñiga en la Comisión Reguladora de Energía. En el ámbito académico, ha impartido la cátedra de Derecho de los Energéticos en el ITAM y en la Especialidad en Administración Energética, en el EGADE Business School; asimismo, es profesor en el diplomado “Regimen Jurídico de los Hidrocarburos”, en el Centro de Estudios en Derecho y Gobierno. Adicionalmente, ha publicado diversos artículos sobre temas de energía y competencia en revistas especializadas. En septiembre de 2017, fue propuesto por el Presidente de la República, Enrique Peña Nieto, como integrante de la terna para ocupar la posición de Comisionado de la Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos.

Ramón Antonio Massieu is a lawyer specialized in energy markets regulation and competition matters. He holds a MSc in Competition and Market Regulation by the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, and a Law Degree by the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM). Currently, he undertakes a Specialty degree in Judicial Review (Amparo) in the Panamerican University (UP). He has several years of professional experience in the energy field, since he has worked for the Ministry of Energy (General Department of Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons), for the Regulatory Commission of Energy (General Department of Legal Affairs) and for the Mexican law firm Santamarina y Steta (senior associate of the energy practice area). Currently, he works for the Regulatory Commission of Energy, as chief of staff to Commisioner Guillermo Zúñiga. Academically, he has been assistant proffessor in the subject of “Energy Law”, at ITAM, professor in the Energy Management Specialty, at EGADE Business School and professor in the “Legal Regime of Hydrocarbons” specialty, at the Center of Studies of Law and Government. Adittionally, he has published several articles about energy and competition matters on specialized magazines. On September, 2017, he was appointed by President Peña Nieto as a candidate for the position of Commissioner at the National Hydrocarbons Commission.

Francisco Diez Quiralte
Director Business Development, Canadian Solar

Francisco heads the business development activities of Canadian Solar Energy Group in LATAM. He has been responsible for generating a regional pipeline of over 900 MWp, mainly guided by projects awarded in government auctions – including over 480 MWp in Brazil (from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd federal auctions) and 450 MWp in Mexico (from the 1st and 3rd federal auction) among others. Francisco leads Canadian Solar investment opportunities in LATAM, designing the regional strategy, managing project analyses, structuring and acquisitions, as well as conducting closings and executions together with an over 15-employee multi-national team. His background in renewables includes PV, wind, CSP and CPV energy technologies, having guided the strategy for regional markets, auction processes and key project partners (Developers, Advisors, EPCs, Lenders, Investors…) and overseen Due Diligence, EPC/O&M contracts, financial closing and sale processes. Proven track record in solar PV since 2009, covering energy deals all over EU and LATAM markets and holding international business development positions with leading players in the renewable energy industry. Executive skills focused on the management of a 10-member team, involvement in multi-cultural atmospheres within a rapidly-changing environment and intense interaction with multi-disciplinary teams (tax, legal, financial, technical…) Key deliverables aimed at resource allocation, return assessment, risk mitigation strategies and deal closings in time-pressure contexts. Francisco holds a Master’s of Business Management from Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid.

Mirko Molinari
Global Commercial & Marketing Executive for Energy Storage, GE Power

Mirko Molinari is General Manager for Distributed Grid Systems at Grid Solutions, from GE Power. He is responsible for the development and growth of GE’s offering in distributed energy resources, energy storage, microgrid development and other digitally enabled services. Previously, he led Grid Solutions’ growth in the non-T&D industrial segments after working in the integration planning team for the GE-Alstom acquisition.

Prior to this, Mirko joined Det Norske Veritas in the newly formed Climate Change Services division where he was responsible for technical and economical evaluation of renewable energy projects in developing countries, according to the Kyoto Protocol Framework.

He entered the M&A organization of GE Oil & Gas in 2006 and covered different roles until he took the position of Business Development Manager reporting to the division head. During this period Mirko worked with different degrees of responsibility on the origination and execution of +$7B of acquisitions and led the structuring and execution of Joint Ventures in Emerging Markets.

From August 2011 to December 2014, he relocated to Sao Paulo Brazil to lead the Natural Resources practice of the GE Latin America Business Development / M&A team, focusing on oil & gas, energy, marine, mining, software & automation verticals across all GE businesses.

From January 2015, Mirko relocated to Paris to work in the integration planning team for the GE-Alstom acquisition, and had the responsibility to develop a plan to contribute to $0.6B profit from growth synergies, announced to investors.

From January to December 2016, he led GE Grid Solutions’ growth in the non-T&D industrial segments and from January 2017 took the leadership of a newly created unit aimed to develop and grow GE’s offering in the growing space of distributed energy resources, managing global offerings around energy storage, microgrids developments and other digitally enabled services.

Mirko was born in Milano, Italy and holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Politecnico di Milano.

Mercedes García Fariña
Director of the DG Finance Programme, UN Environment’s Iniciativa Climática de México

Ms. García leads the joint distributed generation finance programme for the UN Environment’s Iniciativa Climática de México, and the Mexico's Ministry of Energy (SENER). The programme catalyzes affordable solar debt financing for commercial and industrial (C&I) end users in Mexico by providing credit guarantees to banks and other financial institutions.

She also serves as a Senior Consultant on Sustainable Finance for the Mexican Banking Association and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).

Previously, Mercedes worked as a Senior Consultant on Climate Change Mitigation for the UN Environment Programme in Mexico, developing and implementing practical solutions, both at project and policy levels, to promote urban sustainable development.

Ms. García has held various positions in the private financial sector, working in areas such as microfinance, SMEs, development finance, investment and loan origination, and international trade finance and has a proven track-record in structuring financial instruments across sub-sectors.

She holds a Bachelors in Business and Economics from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), a Masters in Finance from the Universidad de Sevilla, and is a certified Financial Advisor by the EU Financial Planning Association, and Project Manager by the United Nations Development System.

Hector Rocha
Partner, EY

Ingeniero Civil graduado de la Universidad de las Américas-Puebla. Maestría en Ingeniería de la Universidad de Purdue. Maestría en Administración de la Universidad de Chicago
Empezó su carrera profesional como perforador direccional de Schlumberger en Indonesia y continuó trabajando en los campos petroleros de todo el Continente Asiático y el Medio Oriente durante los primeros 5 años. Fue Gerente de las Operaciones de Perforación en Japón y miembro del grupo de investigación y desarrollo de tecnologías de telemetría en Houston y Noruega. Después de su carrera en Operaciones, Héctor hizo un cambio de carrera hacia la consultoría de negocios en Energía – trabajando para prestigiadas firmas como Bain & Company, Schlumberger Business Consulting y ahora Ernst & Young donde es el líder adjunto para el desarrollo del sector energético en Mexico y América Latina del Norte.

Guillermo Chávez Canales
Senior Manager, PwC

Guillermo es gerente del equipo de Strategy& PwC, especializado en el área de estrategia para el sector energía con más de 7 años de experiencia. Ha participado en participado en la definición de estrategia de entradas de empresas en el sector de energía en México, definición de estrategias de crecimiento del negocio de empresas en el sector eléctrico en México; ha tenido la oportunidad de apoyar a varias de las empresas que han sido adjudicadas en las pasadas subastas del sector eléctrico, así como en el análisis de los beneficios económicos, ambientales y sociales del despliegue de energías renovables en México. Recientemente ha participado asesorado a empresas en el cierre de PPAs corporativos.

Guillermo es Ingeniero Físico Industrial por el Tec de Monterrey, cuenta con maestrías en política y economía energética, y en ingeniería energética y ambiental por Sciences Po Paris y EPF, École d’Ingénieurs.

Previous Years Speakers Include

Howard Wenger
President, Business Units, SunPower

Howard Wenger serves as SunPower president, business units, with global responsibility for the company’s residential, commercial and utility power plant business.  He is currently focused on leading the company’s evolution to become a customer-centric energy company, combining distributed generation and energy services.  Wenger also serves as president of SunPower Corporation, Systems, the company’s turn-key power systems group.  Previously, he was executive vice president and a member of the board of PowerLight Corporation, which was acquired by SunPower, and he held management positions at PG&E, AstroPower and Pacific Energy Group, a company he co-founded.  Wenger is passionate about making the sun the leading source of energy globally.  He has worked for more than 30 years in the solar and utility power field, authored dozens of papers and public policies to mainstream solar, and developed software programs and tools that are still used today to design and engineer solar power systems.  Wenger holds a B.A. in Environmental Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an M.S. in Engineering from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and currently serves as a board member of Advanced Energy Economy.

Marian Aguirre Nienau
Head of Power Projects, Bancomext

Marian Aguirre Nienau is an Economist and has a Masters Degree in Financing and Economics with the Universitat de Catalunya, currently she works as Head of Power Projects at the Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior, S.N.C. (BANCOMEXT) which is a foreign trade development bank owned by the Mexican Government. A good deal of her past and current work is focused in the financing of power and sustainable projects. Marian’s work is based in the financing of projects throughout project finance, structured finance and guarantees, among other financial schemes. Some of her recent work in Bancomext includes the structuring of wind farm projects, hydropower plants, combined cycles, biogas and photovoltaic parks.

Edgar Arvizu
Vice President, Business Development, Sonnedix

Edgar has been investing in solar energy since 2009, leading the execution of over $1.5B in transactions with businesses, utilities, and governments.

At Sonnedix, he is responsible for business development, focused on acquiring and investing in solar assets in development, construction and in operation.

Sonnedix is a leading global solar independent power producer (IPP) backed by JP Morgan’s Infrastructure Investment Fund, focused on owning and operating assets long-term in attractive growth markets. Sonnedix owns interest in over 1GW of assets across North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Prior to Sonnedix, Edgar was Head of Latin America at sPower, a leading U.S. solar IPP. Previous to that, he was Head of Power Markets & Strategy at Gestamp Solar, a multinational European solar energy company.

Mr. Arvizu has a background in technology start-ups, venture capital and biotechnology banking from Silicon Valley. He holds an MBA from Cornell University as a merit scholar and a BS in Finance from SDSU.

José Zambrano
President & CEO, Galt Energy

José Zambrano is President and CEO at Galt Energy, Mexico's leading residential and small commercial solar developer. In the four years since its founding, José has led Galt Energy to more than 1,000 residential and small commercial systems amounting to more than 5 MW of installations, of which 30% have been financed through its own fund. José is board member of the Energy Cluster for the state of Nuevo León and holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas.

Carlos Isorna
Vice President, Macquarie Mexican Infrastructure Fund (“MMIF”)

Carlos is primarily responsible for sourcing and managing assets in the energy generation and electricity transmission sectors. Carlos joined Macquarie in 2012, where he had several roles in the Investment Banking division (Macquarie Capital), and more recently in the Funds Group (MIRA). Carlos has developed his expertise in infrastructure across Latin America, participating mainly in Power, Telecom, and Social Infrastructure transactions across Mexico, Chile, Brazil, and Peru. Previously, Carlos worked as a management consultant at Accenture, consolidating finance processes upon the completion of M&A transactions for Telecom and Transportation companies. Carlos has broad international experience working in markets across Europe, India, South Africa, and the US. Carlos holds a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from ULPGC University in Spain, and a MBA from Columbia University in New York.


Hector Olea
President & CEO, Gauss Energia, ASOLMEX

ith more than 22 years of experience in the Mexican energy sector, Hector Olea has actively participated in the promotion and development of renewable energy in the country. Since 2004, Hector Olea is President and CEO of Gauss, a business development firm specialized in the energy sector. Gauss activities are focused in the identification, development and structuring investment opportunities in renewable energy projects, which accounts for more than US$700 million in greenfield projects. Before, he acted as CEO of Suez in Mexico, where he led its transformation into a nationwide energy company. From 1995 to 2000, Mr. Olea acted as Chairman of the Mexican Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE). He is President of the Asociación Mexicana de Energía Solar Fotovoltaica (Asolmex) and Chairman of the Mexican Section of the Mexico-US Business Energy Council. He is an economist from ITAM (Mexico) and an earned his Master and PhD in Economics at Rice University (US). In 1989, he was distinguished with the Banamex Economics Award.

Con más de 22 años de experiencia en el sector energético mexicano, Héctor Olea ha participado activamente en la promoción y desarrollo de las energías renovables en el país. Desde 2004, Héctor Olea es Presidente y CEO de Gauss, una firma de desarrollo de proyectos especializada en el sector energético de México. Las actividades de Gauss se centran en la identificación, desarrollo y estructuración de oportunidades de inversión en proyectos de energías renovables, lo que ha permitido inversiones por más de US$700 millones. Antes, se desempeñó como CEO de Suez en México, donde dirigió su transformación en una empresa nacional de energía. De 1995 a 2000, fue Presidente de la Comisión Reguladora de Energía de México (CRE). Actualmente funge como Presidente de la Sección Mexicana del Consejo de Negocios de Energía México-Estados Unidos y Presidente de la Asociación Mexicana de Energía Solar Fotovoltaica (Asolmex). Héctor Olea es economista del ITAM (México), obtuvo su Maestría y Doctorado en Economía en la Universidad de Rice (EEUU). En 1989, fue distinguido con el Premio Banamex de Economía.


Ron Klein
Vice President of Structured Finance & Strategy, SolarCity
Marco Garcia
Chief Commercial Officer, NEXTracker

Marco Garcia has over 25 years of sales management and international business development experience. He has developed and closed scores of landmark PV projects in the U.S. and Europe, including some of the world’s largest solar power plants. His tenure in the solar industry includes sales leadership positions at PowerLight, SunPower, Suntech, and Suniva. As Suniva CCO, he spearheaded the shift in their sales approach from high efficiency cells to Suniva-branded high efficiency modules. As Chief Commercial Officer at NEXTracker since 2014, Marco and his team are responsible for closing approximately 5GW in tracker sales worldwide. Marco Garcia holds a BS in Electrical Engineering and a BS in Economics from Brown University.

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Agenda Themes
  • Mexico PV on the Global Stage
  • Large-Scale Solar Development in Mexico
  • The Opportunities of Distributed Generation in the Mexican Market
  • Bringing Down the Cost of PV
  • Tariffs, Manufacturing, & Distribution Strategies
  • Financing: Solar in Mexico
view full agenda


Hyatt Regency Mexico City
Campos Eliseos No. 204 Polanco Chapultepec
Mexico City, Mexico, 11560
RESERVATIONS +(52 55) 5083 1234