Continental Breakfast & Check-In
Morning Theme: Impact of Renewables on Power Markets
Welcome & Opening Remarks

Scott Clavenna, Chairman, Greentech Media

A New Playbook for Power Generation Markets - Planning for a Renewable Dominated Future

Renewable energy, whether it be by state mandate, project economics, or carbon-related GHG goals, will reach a critical mass in the power markets in the foreseeable future. The research teams at Wood Mackenzie, GTM and MAKE Consulting will set the context across the overall energy value chain in a data-driven presentation that providing a unique "full view" of this fundamental market change.

Prajit Ghosh, Head of Global Strategy, Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables
Shayle Kann, Senior Vice President, Research & Strategy, Energy Impact Partners
Dan Shreve, Head of Global Wind Energy Research, Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables

Keynote Interview: Building a Boardroom Strategy for Renewables

Two financial market veterans tagteam this interview, and offer their insight on both financial and operational success factors that contribute to a company-wide, defensible investment strategy, with the ultimate goal of bringing assets online that inherently bear more risk and are more unpredictable in performance.

Joram Cukierman, Managing Director, Commodity Sales, Goldman Sachs
Harry Singh, Vice President, U.S. Power & Trading Group, Goldman Sachs

Moderator: Scott Clavenna, Chairman, Greentech Media

Fireside Chat with former FERC Chairman

A one-on-one interview with an industry veteran on all things related to policy, market structure, regulation, and the economics of power and renewable energy markets going forward.

Norman Bay, Former Chairman, FERC

Moderator: Shayle Kann, Senior Vice President, Research & Strategy, Energy Impact Partners

Networking Break
Wind Energy Matures: Issues and Opportunities as 100 GW Approaches MORE

Andrew Mills, Research Scientist in the Electricity Markets & Policy Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Moderator: Dan Shreve, Head of Global Wind Energy Research, Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables

Changing Market Fundamentals: Baseload, Flexibility, Reliability

Distributed energy isn’t just shaping the way our grid operates — it’s shaping our language. We are increasingly debating how to re-define baseload power, resource flexibility and reliability requirements. And how we use these terms has real-world implications for the way we operate the grid. In this panel discussion, we’ll look at how distributed energy is changing our conventional notions of how the electricity system should work.

Amy Francetic, Senior Vice President, New Ventures & Corporate Affairs, Invenergy
Todd Glass - old, Partner, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Thomas McAndrew, Founding Partner, Managing Director, Enchanted Rock, Ltd.

Moderator: Stephen Lacey, Editor-in-Chief, Greentech Media

Lunch and Learn: Solar's Future under Section 201

Grab your lunch and then join us back in the general session room for an exclusive GTM Research briefing on the status of Section 201 and the potential outcomes.

Shayle Kann, Senior Vice President, Research & Strategy, Energy Impact Partners
MJ Shiao, Director of Community Solar, Arcadia Power

Afternoon Theme: The Disruptors of Today's Power Market

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Keynote Interview with American Electric Power

We kick off the afternoon with the largest T&D provider in the country and their response to disruption. Join the discussion to hear some key drivers behind some of AEP's big bets, no regrets moves, and an overall view of the role of technology is both enabling and challenging overall evaluation or project attractiveness.

Charles Patton, Executive Vice President, External Affairs, American Electric Power

Moderator: Steve Propper, Director, Consulting & Content Strategy, GTM Research

Energy Storage's Inflection Point: When Will Energy Storage Become a Competitive Resource in Power Markets?

GTM Research Presentation

Ravi Manghani, Head of Solar, Wood Mackenzie

Distributed Energy: Viable Opportunities in Wholesale Markets Yet? MORE

Mia Adams, Senior Manager, Market Strategy, MISO
Tim Carter, Vice President, MP2
Philip Mihlmester, Executive Vice President, Global Energy, ICF

Moderator: Elta Kolo, Ph.D., Grid Edge Content Lead, Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables

Beyond the Market Hedge MORE

Stephen Abbott, Manager, Rocky Mountain Institute
Wade Schauer, Research Director, Americas Power & Renewables, Wood Mackenzie
Brian Walker, Portfolio Manager for Strategic Analysis, U.S. Department of Energy

Moderator: Shayle Kann, Senior Vice President, Research & Strategy, Energy Impact Partners

Networking Break

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Financing Renewables: Shifting Solar & Wind Project Economics

Major policy changes in the U.S. that have been proposed for PURPA and the investment tax credit, which are inherently shifting economic risks of projects in the short-term. In this session, we will hear varied opinions from stakeholders who all have some exposure as it relates to these shifting dynamics and any new project finance structures emerging as a result.

Matt Miller, Director of Project Finance, Recurrent Energy
Ryan Prescott, Director of Market Analysis, Tradewind Energy Inc.

Moderator: Colin Smith, Senior Analyst, Solar, Wood Mackenzie

Closing Keynote Session: Bringing it Back to Texas - Unique Dynamics of the Lone Star State

If sustained downward pressure on wholesale prices in ERCOT is depressing new generation, what is the impact to the future of renewables development in particular? How do retail electricity providers and power traders see deal structure evolving as a result? What are the opportunities for wind and solar in Texas today that still compare favorably to supply from traditional, dispatchable generation resources?

Anthony Maselli, P.E., Vice President, Development and Strategy, Vistra Energy
Cheryl Mele, Chief Operating Officer & Senior Vice President, Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
Gregory Thurnher, Manager, Real-time Markets & Scheduling, Shell Energy North America

Moderator: Clare Magee, Consulting Principal, Wood Mackenzie/GTM

Networking Reception

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